Friday 12 October 2012

Dawn Of The Living Dead

Date Of Release: 3rd November 2004 (USA) 30th May 2005 (UK)
Director: David Heavener

Producer: David Heavener

Starring: David Heavener, Amanda Baumann, Joe Estevez, Todd Bridges

Running Time: 90 minutes

Distributor: Acteurs Auteurs Associes (AAA)

The film is basically about a former junkie who, whilst still dealing with psychological issues, moves to the Mexican border with her fiancé (who is also her doctor). They then befriend a local caretaker. The place then becomes under siege by ancient Mayan zombies, who we find out, were killed by the caretaker. The orphan connects to the woman who helps solve their murders and a way to lay them to rest.

There are 2 things to point out, 1 – I bought this solely because I thought it was something to do with the George Romero series (which it isn’t) and 2 – I only gave away the plot line so as to save you from watching it yourself.


This film is truly awful, that includes everything from the acting right down to the effects. The plot could have worked but the script was completely slaughtered. I don’t even know where to start. There was no chemistry between the cast, there didn’t seem to be much direction and I reckon a big part of the budget went towards the sun effect at the end. There isn’t even a good scene that can do it any justice, it is just appalling from start to finish.

I wouldn’t even recommend this for zombie lovers. I love crappy B movies more than the next person but even I could bear this film no longer. This film is a big NO!!

Rating: 2/10 – Dawn of the I wouldn’t even bother…


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